Life is Hard for a Busy Mom
Life can be really tough for a mother who hardly gets a break or is too busy. It is necessary for mothers to know about what happens when a mom never gets a break. Mothers, especially one who are working women, or are bringing up their kids alone as single parents, it can be very tough to focus on her daily routine. Everything feels messed up and daily chaos drains mums.
Parenting is really hard. The basic momentum of life is affected with serious threats to the mental peace of the mother as well as the flow of home decorum. Studies reveal malfunctioned daily life habits, work alcoholic mothers, lack of balance in social and personal life may create disturbance in both, the kid and mother’s life.
7 Challenges for a Busy Mom
Here are 7 challenges for a mother who is busy working woman:
Who mothers your mother when she is on her low days? Definitely no one. This causes emotional discomfort. When a busy mom ignores the balance between work-life, she is emotionally malfunctioned. Emotionally distressed mothers ignore their kids’ mental peace. How come an emotionally disturbed mother raises healthy kids? Such mothers disturb kids by their disturbed behaviors.
Self-care is necessary for mothers. A day out, a little time for yoga, or an hour reading daily add speed breaker to constantly moving life. When working women plan families, without support of their spouse, they might end up weary and frustrated. Busy mom disturb the social life of kids and ignore their own selves along with kids.
Mothers who are working for their kids’ financial needs usually end up with kids who are ignored. Unloved children possess psychological disorders such as Borderline Personality disorders (BPD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome (ADHD), Bipolar and other anxiety disorders. Studies revealed children who lack love and attention of parents at childhood face difficulty in relationships later on. The physical needs of children might be met by mothers but not the mental needs. Watching kids like that is another reason for hopelessness in mothers.
Mothers who completely blend their life in work and household chores actually are isolated. They usually have zero social life, no friends to meet up with. Man being a social animal, gets affected by isolation and the exhaustion may create a hollow space for affection and love. Doing things against nature disturb mothers and this results in poor management of household chores and poor performance at work place. Panic and anxiety usually arises with this.
Mothers who tend to be perfect at motherhood usually feel a guilt throughout their journey of motherhood for not being enough. This guilt forces them to do more than the maximum they can, resulting in crackled self-confidence. The desire to do more for their family forget them as their own beings. Such mothers who used to be artists before their motherhood are disturbed individuals. Lack of concentration and forgetting things can be one of the outcomes of emotional disturbances.
Sometimes disturbed mothers are accusing kids for their malfunction. Especially narcissistic mothers who used to be perfectly tiptoed as single women before marriage or before motherhood, they blame kids for their devastation and work mismanagements. Such mothers ruin the kid’s personality by constantly cracking taunts for being the reason behind their current situation.
Such mothers need to be fixed accordingly. Kids did not ask to produce them. Such mothers need to take a break and go for therapy. Professional help and break may eradicate this frustration of mothers.
When mothers do not take a balanced diet, or are stressed out, their mental health issues definitely would affect the gastrointestinal system. Lack of nutrients, disturbed eating habits, more work and less rest give rise to serious illnesses like calcium and iron deficiency, anemia, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis and ulcers. All such disturbed eating habits create serious physical exhaustion where mothers rarely can arise from bed. This extreme exhaustion creates guilt, together with frustration of not being a perfect mommy and other mental illnesses. Physically and mentally exhausted mothers raise neglected children and the same kids suffer later on in life too.