How to be a Better Wife
A good wife is an all time working partner of a couple with no break or Sundays off. However, sometimes both of the partners are struggling efficiently to improve themselves for healthy relationships. Marriages work with compromise and understanding between both partners. Couples need to decide some basic boundaries before deciding marriage, and apply it later on in their life.
10 Tips to be a Better Wife
If you are struggling to be a better wife, you need to take account of your previous version and adopt a few habits and unlearn a few too.
Here are 10 effective measures you can look for to be a better version of yourself.
1. Listening your partner rather than just ranting about your own life :
One of the most effective things when it comes to marriage is listening to your partner’s daily routine and responsibilities. It is not necessary to keep speaking about your hardships and challenges all the time. Listening to your partner is necessary. You are a better wife when you let your husband have catharsis. Help him channel his emotions and be there for good suggestions. Ask him about his challenges and stay involved in his life. You should know how his day went at the office and among colleagues and what bothered him today?
2. Avoid excessive complaints:
Complaining and playing the victim card do not suit a good wife. Follow gratitude and stay in a healthy relationship where your husband found peace in being with you. This is helpful only when you avoid excessive complaining about your or your husband’s lifestyle, your kid’s preferences or financial challenges you are facing. It is completely okay that you are suffering, all the challenges will end one day and you will still miss the past. Avoid emotionally torturing your husband.
3. Self-care and Time for yourself:
Are you overworked and frustrated with your job? It is most necessarily when your self-care and time is draining all your energy. Overworking might disturb you and as a result you might lose your temper completely. This is very disturbing not only for you but the rest of your family too. Your husband might be wondering why her wife is yelling at him.
You might yourself not be able to figure it out too. This is because you lack self-care and have little or no time for yourself. As a result, you are trying to channel your emotions and this causes an explosion. Treat yourself kindly, by treating yourself politely.
4. Appreciate your partner:
If you are not appreciating your partner, it might be really disturbing him. A perfect wife is not only loyal and caring but is in a healthy relationship too. Rather than being sarcastic or taunting him all the time, try to think in his shoes. Understand his situation, either it is his financial situation, or less time for you and your kids, try to communicate and understand it rather than yelling at me. Be careful when you are discussing your partner’s routine or other activities.
5.Trust your Partner:
Trust your husband. It is one of the basic pillars of a healthy marriage. No marriage is completely happy until the partners learn to trust each other. Explaining a situation to your partner and trusting him to understand is the safe zone of a marriage. Trust your husband and give him his space. When your husband comes home at night, he might be tired or stressed out, try to relieve him by your words or actions. Appreciate him for his little efforts, trust him for his abilities and make sure you express it to your partner.
6. Mark Boundaries:
Marking boundaries is very necessary for a healthy relationship. You need to make some clear cut boundaries during the initial time of marriage and follow it. Boundaries like workplace ethics, avoiding phone calls at specific hours at home, avoiding screen time when you all are together as a family, contribute to a healthy relationship. Such boundaries are necessary for a happy family. A good wife establishes good rules and a safe environment at home for all the partners. You can communicate this with your husband and kids at the dinner table.
7. Maintenance of relationships:
Good wives try to keep family together. Either it is in law relationships, or keeping family together by solving conflicts among different members of the family, wives try to let go of the mistakes of other people. You can be a better wife if you politely add respect and help in maintenance of relationships.
8. Pursue your passion:
Remember good wives are not the ones who ruin their talents. You can be a wife and still excel in the subject of your interest. What you wanted to be in your life before you were a wife? Is that painting or reading that you loved before you were introduced into a marriage?
Let your passion follow you and do not worry about what society will say. If you are a good wife, you definitely will excel in this field of ambition along with the responsibilities. Remember being better does not mean ignoring yourself. It means working on yourself and your weak areas. Never let anyone or any responsibility degrade your spark.
9. Be light hearted and light tone:
Sense of humor adds charm in marriage life when used appropriately. Do not take things very seriously. It is life and everything is associated with achievements and loss altogether. You need to be a source of hope for your family. As a better wife, as a mother, you need to be full of hope and sparkles because life is not possible when you are over possessive and over sensitive. Keep a balance and let fate choose best for you.
10. Celebrate small accomplishments:
Once you start celebrating small things like your husband’s first salary, your child’s first step or your life’s other small achievements, you will find beauty in every step of life. Follow small celebrations and enjoy the process rather than sticking to the end results. Once you start gratitude and gratefulness, you will notice positive change in your life.