Narcissistic Wife
Are you in a relationship and wondering if your partner is a narcissist?
Being a husband, it might be difficult to sort out the signs and symptoms of narcism. A narcissistic partner can be very tough and challenging, especially during parenting. If you feel like your family is not functioning because your partner is completely misunderstanding the situation, and imposing her beliefs to control the family, it is obvious that she might have symptoms of narcissism. Your daughters might be affected mostly in a relationship with a narcissistic mother. You need to handle your wife’s narcissism via some basic coping mechanisms. But before that, you need to figure out if you are really married to a narcissist.
5 Ways to deal with a Narcissistic Wife
In Asian families, usually the women are homemakers. If your wife, being the elder woman of your home, is a narcissist, she is definitely not contributing to the peace of home and you should be able to deal with narcissistic behaviour. Especially when you are in a love bond with your wife, it is obvious that she takes advantage of your Politeness. You need to draw a line between politeness and being exploited. Here are a few steps that should be taken once you are sure your wife is a narcissist:
1. Make sure your wife visit a Therapist:
In this modern era of science, visiting a therapist for mental disorders is no longer an embarrassment. Communicate with your partner freely and visit a therapist. Be helpful and let her follow the process of acceptance. The therapist will help her to stop being a narcissist.
2. Make sure your children are safe:
Although it appears difficult at the beginning, the only elder left besides a narcissistic mother is you, the father. Try to spend maximum quality time with your kids. Explain to them that their mother is not a bad mama, but just suffering a mental dysfunction. Show your kids to seek positive out of negative circumstances. Be nice to them and try to eradicate negativity. Constantly cheer for them.
3. Appreciate your children:
Children should be appreciated because it is that time of their growth where constant criticism shatters the child’s personality. Let your children grow and appreciate the small things they do. It can be an achievement at school, a positive attitude, or just a sign of new learning.
4. Set boundaries at home with your narcissistic wife:
Love is a good thing, but over-love can be like over planting the dead plants. You need to set boundaries on your expression of love and home rules. Explain it to your wife and avoid unnecessary arguments with her. Do not let her attitude disturb your family life.
5. Support your wife during therapy:
Life partners are there to support and help each other. Try to support her emotionally when she is trying to be better and struggling with therapy and self-growth.
Common Effects, if your Wife is a Narcissist
1. Arguments at home:
It is obvious that arguments become an important part of meals when there exists a narcissist at home. Your wife, who needs to be a supportive mother, rather than keeping a check on children, she continuously disturbs the natural momentum of the home. Constantly denying the facts and fights in every argument is the common side effect of a narcissistic mother.
2. Effects on children:
It depends which stage of relationship you and your wife are. If you both have kids, your narcissistic wife would have a very bad and depressed effect on your children. Children who are suppressed and depressed at early stages of life are very disturbed adults. Your wife’s grandiosity would affect your children. Rather than being confident, it is more likely that your children are under confident, disoriented, confused and can be easily exploited in the name of love. Later on in their life, they might be vulnerable to toxic partners and cannot stand for their own rights.
3. Might make you and your Children Feel Guilty when you Communicate with her:
Narcissism is a toxic trait. It is possible that if you or your kids communicate with the narcissistic mother, she gets frustrated and constantly manipulates you emotionally. Rather than accepting, if your wife is describing your attitude as toxic and you feel guilty for a transparent conversation, your wife definitely needs professional aid. She might emotionally blackmail you. Kids of such mothers never learn to communicate transparently.
4. Constantly Blaming you and the Children:
Narcissistic wives are very hard to deal with. You cannot abandon your wife just because you both are not working well. For children you have to make compromises and this is only possible when you are mentally stable enough to consider a psychological disorder and the ways to deal with it. Your wife might be constantly blaming you for all her mental conditions. You would find it difficult to express your feelings to her without being blamed. Such behaviour would not only lessen your love and warmth for your wife, but also it is possible that your children are deprived from their mother.
5. The Home is no longer a home, it is a constant criticism cell:
Do you or your children feel disturbed when you think of home? You try to avoid the time to get back from work and engage in activities outside the home?
Well it is more possible that your children are doing this too. You might have other activities besides work where you can spend your time but children under 18 suffer most. Late staying out of home not only deprives them from family roots but also introduces them to bad companies. You cannot hold them back after the damage is done. Home is no longer a home, but you and your children are aware that it is a constant cell of criticism that is associated with your narcissistic wife.