Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers

It’s obvious that patients suffering from borderline personality disorders are at high risk of behavioural and social problems. Defects in parenting produce prolonged mental problems, and kids of such parents are confused, abused adults. Daughters being disturbed females not only suffer development issues, but also are at high risk of falling prey to toxic relationships in life. Usually, narcissistic mothers are single parents who cannot create a healthy bond with her partner. Sometimes such mothers destroy their own child’s life by making wrong decisions. It is more likely that Narcissism, like a natural fire, keeps engulfing life and sanity.

10 Symptoms of Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers

Here are 10 symptoms of daughters that are brought up by narcissistic mothers. However, they are just signs and symptoms associated on a general basis. For a specific case of study, you need to consult a therapist who can actually diagnose the situation on all basis.

Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers

1. Trauma Response as Hyper Independency:

Daughters of narcissistic mothers are hyper Independent. Hyper independence is a trauma associated with the early brought up of toxic dependency. Such mothers constantly remind their daughters that they brought them up, and care for all their needs, whether it is financial, physical, or emotional support. Elder daughters and daughters of narcissistic mothers develop the response to the trauma. They want to be financially independent, and do not accept help or support even given out of love. They usually think the relationship of a mother and daughter is a toxic one and mostly never prove to be a good partner ever.

2. Low Self Esteem:

Narcissistic mothers suffer from a superiority complex. They compare themselves with everyone including their daughters. This comparison makes them conscious about constantly proving themselves better and always criticising their daughters. Narcissistic mothers usually take their daughters as a complete competition. Being older and more adapted in functioning, such daughters develop low self-esteem and poor performance. Actually they are bullied by their own mothers at home. Kids who never got approval of their abilities at home rarely recognise it and turn into malfunctioning adults. The relationship between a mother and daughter is usually a girl to girl or woman to woman type or relationship, but in case of narcissism it is just a competition of approval and denial.

3. Fear of Abandonment:

Narcissists make sure that their partners or people associated with them, even the kids, are totally dependent on them. They are toxic parents, usually mothers and still want to keep their kids with them. This behaviour develops a fear of abandonment in them. If you know anyone who is afraid of being left alone, cannot make it out of a relationship, and is constantly struggling to be the right person, then it is more likely they are brought up by narcissistic parents.

daughter feeling sad

Such daughters cannot take a stand for themselves, and rush into any relationship with the wrong person, just because they are afraid to be left alone. The fear of abandonment makes such females fall prey to the wrong decisions.

4. Weak Relationships

Such females do not understand healthy relationships and thus make weak bonds. They do not know how to work on a relationship, and usually are depressed because of it. Those who have not lived healthy relationships, are completely new to healthy bonds. Sometimes they may be aggressive females, aggression is usually adopted by such daughters from their mothers.

5. Unable to trust men:

It is more possible that daughters raised by single narcissistic mothers hate their father too. Children, what they learn from mothers at an early stage, rarely forget it. Their narcissistic mothers might present their ex-husband as an evil creature. Such daughters might take lessons from their mother’s relationship that men should not be trusted ever. Psychology says that the majority of trusting issues arise from poor parenting.

6. Disruptive, Shaking Personality:

Daughters of narcissistic mothers appear constantly shaking and have vulnerable personalities. It is one of the huge signs of daughters with disruptive family backgrounds. Their life decisions are pre-planned and forced by narcissistic mothers. The over controlling power of narcissistic mothers make the child incapable of taking life decisions. They are not firm and not confident about their own plans.

7. Frustrated and aggressive:

teen girl shows thumbs down

What else can be learnt from a narcissistic, mentally ill mother than aggression. Daughters having anger management issues show an unhealed small child who actually wanted to live a life at an early stage of life but unfortunately could not do that because of a toxic narcissistic mother. Thus the aggression develops and eventually is executed when they see a chance. The bitterness turns out and they are aggressive in nature who can be annoyed very easily.

8. Seeking Validation From others:

When parents do not appreciate or appraise their child in early stages of life, such daughters are always seeking validation of others. When there is low self-esteem and self-awareness, such daughters seek external sources to tell them they are doing right and best. When not noticed by the surroundings, such females can easily be depressed because their all efforts are to take approval from others. Either it is this life choices, or appearance and look, such daughters are very unhealthy and can be easily exploited when they are praised by friends or relationships like partners too.

9. Can be easily Exploited:

Once the controlling mechanism is known to the life partners of females who are brought up by narcissistic mothers, they can be easily exploited by triggering the trauma points. Either it is family problems, financial issues, if the trauma trigger is known, this can be used to manipulate such females and It is the obvious symptom of daughters brought up in unhealthy situations.

10. Constantly Devalue Themselves:

Such females, when appreciated for any of their abilities, are usually in disbelief. They constantly keep denying it and feel like this appreciation is not meant for them. This constant denial is because they were devalued by their mother in early life.

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