Things that Fathers do
Fathers are the building blocks of a family. There is a long list of duties to be done by good fathers and the society has assigned them to be the strongest pillar for the family. It is necessary to understand why fathers are important as well. If you are a first time father, it is more obvious that you are looking for the duties of a father. Either you are a real dad, or a step dad you need to understand what are the basic responsibilities of a father.
Single fathers are the one who suffer more as compared to the fathers who have spouses to take care of the children.
10 Basic Responsibilities of a Good Dad
If you are new to fatherhood, you need to understand the style of parenting you choose. Stepping out and making sure about the basic necessities of family is very important. Here are 10 basic important things that fathers do to maintain the family environment a safe place:
1. Protection:
In the majority of cultures, the father is the one who protects the family against all odds. It is a common practice as men are more mature and physically strong, so they can take care of the family very well.
2. Future Planning:
It is obvious that a father is the eldest member of the family. Looking at the interests of kids and family needs, it is the father who plans the future ahead. It is a common practice and the family enjoy the preplanned life later on.
3. Education:
Father is the one who educates the children along with his partner i.e. with mother. A father is educating the kids with his actions. From the selection of the school to the program suitable for kids, it is the father who takes up responsibility and manages all the things for the child’s education. Similarly teaching a child at home before schooling can be in a father’s to do list!
4. Fathers Provide the Best to Family:
Fathers are the provider of the family. They are the ones who earn and support the family. No matter where the circumstances lead to, the bread earner of the family is usually a father. Especially in Asian households, fathers work for kids and the majority of the women are housewives.
5. Financial Responsibility:
Alongside educational responsibility, it is the father’s responsibility to take up the financial needs of the family. Managing food, grocery and other expenses like pocket money, insurance, school fee, college registration all are managed by fathers in most households. Sometimes, if the mother is a working woman, she also contributes to the expenses, but the majority of the time it is the duty of that father.
6. Emotional Support:
Fathers are the emotional support and backbone of the family. They are emotionally strong, all the time sacrificing their own needs, they support the emotional needs of the family. Fathers are there to take up all the stress and comfort the confusions that arise to any member of the family. This emotional support is not possible for the kids who had father issues in early stages of life. The father’s impact on a child’s growth is very much prominent at later stages of life.
7. A Father Keeps Discipline at Home:
Besides the fact that a father is an emotionally supportive member of the family, his presence is also determined by strong firm behaviour towards the family. The maintenance of discipline is a father’s duty. Either it is discipline in education reforms or a child’s normal behaviour, it is usually under the supervision of a father. Moral values of kids develop at the early stage of life where the father is the eldest member of the family.
8. Role Model in Behaviour:
Children follow their father’s footsteps. Either it is the model of their father’s characteristic or gratitude, a father makes up a full consolidated image of his personality for his children. Similarly, his behaviour is the ideal representation of what his children would become after years. Parents create an image for children and the strongest of all personalities is that of a father.
9. Fathers Create Memories:
A father creates memories for the children. He is the one who is constantly creating a movie in the child’s brain for the future. Every small personality trait of a father is the visual representation of how his child will keep him in his memories. Arranging family trips, school pick and drop, picnics, small chit chat , surprise parties, celebrations of success, response of a father on his child’s failure , relationship with his wife and neighbours, birthdays together and many other memories are made by the fathers for life long.
It is obvious when fathers are not able to give time to the family, the relationship is devastated and unable to create memories. Family time is managed by a father according to his routine, for example, spending a weekend together following the hobbies with father or playing games at evenings or after dinner.
10. A Good Fathers Discover their Child’s Talents:
It might appear very obvious but it is one of the most necessary steps!
A child is a packed gift from God. Understanding a child’s needs is the parent’s duty. At initial stages of life, the child’s needs can be from food to potty training, but with time a child needs to be understood. Fathers are the ones who discover their child’s talent. It is obvious that children spend more time with their mothers. So any difference can be noticed by father more rapidly as compared to mother.
For example, a father might notice that the kid is actively drawing patterns on a wall. For a mother it can be against the rules and the drawing can be a mess with the wall, but a father can count it as a child’s interest towards drawing, sketching or painting. Similarly, a daughter’s preferences can be understood by the father as well. Once dug out, it is easy to decide which field a child should pursue later on.