Quotes on Birth
When a couple decides to start a family, the female partner undergoes a process of giving birth to a baby. The transition from a zygote to a fetus and then the exposure of the fetus to the world is called birth. Birth is the entry of a child to the world from a mother’s womb.
Scientifically, birth is the term used for the process through which a small infant is born. The steps that are involved in the process of birth is determined by the type of pregnancy of the mother and condition of the fetus and mother. This involves multiple hormonal, physiological, and mechanical changes.
Role of Mother during Birth:
During the process of birth, the mother suffers the most. A mother carries a baby in her womb for 9 months, and then finally gives birth to the baby and allows her body to undergo different adaptive changes. This process of birth adds an affectionate bonding between mother and the child.
Importance of Birth:
Birth is a sacred evolution of life and is respected in almost all communities of the world. Birth of a child is followed by nurturing a child’s needs and growth. From fetus to infant, from infant to a toddler, from a toddler to a small kid and then adult man this phase is prolonged and sacred for the parents.
Quotes on Birth of a Baby
- “Birth is not only about making babies, but about making mothers.”
-Barbara Katz Rothman
- “Birth is the epicenter of women’s power”
-Ani DeFranco
- “Giving birth is an act of infinite optimism.”
-Harriet Beecher storm
- “The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, NEVER.”
- “Childbirth is more admirable than conquest, more amazing than self-defence, and as courageous as either.”
-Gladys Brooke
- “The experience of giving birth is a powerful, life altering experience that forever changes a woman’s relationship to herself and her body.”
– Ina May Gaskin
- “Birth matters. It matters because it is the way we all begin our lives outside of our mother’s wombs.”
– Marie Morgan
- “The way we give birth is the reflection of the way we live.”
-Sheila Kitzinger
- “Birth is the beginning of our life journey, and how we begin can set the tone for the rest of our life.”
-Penny Simkin
- “A new baby is like the beginning of all things, a wonder, a hope, a dream of possibilities.”
-Eda Leshan
- “Birth is a mystery and an opportunity for transformation.”
-Pam England
- “The power of birth experience can be transformative and life challenging.”
-Robert Lim
- “Birth is a sacred and intimate experience.”
-Laura Shanley.
- “The moment of birth is the moment of great joy and great pain.”
-Friedrick Leboyer
- Birth is a journey, not a destination.
- Birth is a natural and normal part of life.
-Grantly Dick-Read
Aristotle Quotes on Birth and Life in Greek:
- To experience is to learn:
This can be related to birth about how nature transforms a mother from the experience of birth and makes her learn the phases of growth.
- The whole is more than the sum of two:
The child is the sum of mother and father. The whole child is more than the sum of two parents.
- We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act, but a habit:
The inheritance of talent and excellence is from repeated exposure to the environment created by parents.
Famous Quotation about Birth across the World in different Languages:
1. French: L’enfant qui naît est un être nouveau, original, unique.”
English: The child who is born is a new unique original being.
~Simone De Beavore
2. Spanish: _”El nacimiento es un acto de amor y de fe.”_
English: Birth is an act of love and faith.
-Isabel Allende
3.German: Die Geburt ist ein Wunder, das uns jeden Tag aufs Neue überrascht.”_
English: Birth is a wonder that surprises us every day.
4. German: Das Kind, das geboren wird, bringt neue Hoffnung und neue Liebe in die Welt.”_
English: “The child who is born brings new hope and new love into world “
-Hermann Hesse
5.Chinese: Shēng yù zhī lǐ, xiǎng yù zhī ài.)
English: Birth is a kind of love, a kind of responsibility.
6.Arabic: . “الأم هي أول معلمة للطفل، وتعليمه الحب والأخلاق.”
English: The mother is the child’s first teacher, teaching him love and loyalty.
7.Hindi: 2. “मातृत्व एक ऐसी भावना है जो जीवन को बदलती है।“
English: Motherhood is a feeling that changes life.
8. Japanese:Umareru koto wa, itsumo no koto to chigau.
English: Being born is always different from usual.
-a japanese Idiom
O nascimento é um momento mágico e transformador.”
English: Birth is a magical and transformative moment.
Stages of Birth
Scientifically, here are some stages of birth through which a baby is born:
Onset of Labour:
Hormonal balance is lost during labour. Labour is induced that leads to contraction and a periodic onset of pain.
1st Stage of Labour:
The cervix is dilated to 10 cm. This stage is intense and the baby is pushed through the uterus by repeated contractions.
2nd Stage of Labour:
Fully dilated cervix induces signs of birth. Baby movies in the birth canal and labour is induced. Mother may feel the urge to push the baby via the birth canal. Usually labour is for the normal vaginal delivery and not the caesarian.
3rd Stage of Labour:
Finally the baby is born, releasing hormones and the uterus contracts to the initial size again. Placenta is removed and the kid starts breathing after the first cry.
This complex mechanism of birth is then followed by a phase of postpartum, where the mother’s body starts to recover slowly and gradually. The lost blood is maintained, the uterus and birth canal tissue is regenerated and is back to normal size.
This complex process will alter as per different types of deliveries including vaginal delivery, C-section delivery, and assisted vaginal delivery.