How to be a Good Mother

Are you here to learn about the good techniques of motherhood? Are you new to motherhood and working hard to manage as a mother?  Good mothers are those working mothers who are finding it hard to manage their daily routines alongside nurturing children. You need to understand the duties of a good mother before planning a family and the challenges of that role of a super mother. If you are working hard to learn the motherhood techniques , take a pause and read about all the good mothers that are healthy in balancing work and personal life altogether.

9 Tips to be a Good Mother

a Good Mother

1. Be a Listening ear to your Kids:

Children usually in early years of life want to discover the world. The world is new to them. Make sure you listen to your kids’ small talk and discussions. They need to express their emotions. Kids who are raised by emotionally secured mothers are more likely to have healthy relationships in their adult life. You need to listen to your children, tell them small stories and connect via communication. Remember a good mother and a father are the only two sources of connection for their children to the world outside. What is taught at this stage can never be unlearned later on. 

2. No Compromise on Home Rules:

Motherhood is not a one day or one year job. You need to be strict yet flexible at the same time. Rules are rules that should not be violated. A good mother keeps her children connected without violating the rules. Learn to be flexible too, depending on their solution. When your child violates the home rules before announcing punishment, listen to the child’s side of the story. Do not make them feel unheard. Politely make them understand on the first and second time, but on the third time announce a punishment that makes them think about their wrong doings.

3. Self-Care and Time for your own Hobbies:

woman with dress looking at mirror at home

Myths about motherhood include an all time working mother. However you need not be a mother who is worn out and completely drained. Relax and listen to the child inside you too. It is difficult to mother a mommy. Mother yourself too. Keep yourself calm and accept this adaptive change inside you. Do not drain yourself. If your daily routine does not include time for yourself, you will be frustrated and disturbed all the time. Your frustration will disturb your children and family time as well. The aim of motherhood will be spoiled then. So make sure you have friends to feel a bit healthy and not disturbed.

4. Physical Affection towards your Kids:

Studies show that skin to skin interaction between mother and child increases the level of oxytocin, the love hormone. Hug your kids, keep a physical affection to your child at the beginning years of life. Kids who are deprived of love at early stages of life may develop serious mental and behavioral issues like being unable to make relationships. Kids, especially sons with mommy issues might rarely trust or respect women later on in their life. Make sure you raise secure healthy individuals who contribute for the betterment of the society.

5. Teaching Skills for Life:

Mother sets the decorum of the home environment. A good Mother is usually the rule designer of home. You being a mother should be far sighted for your kid’s future. Studies are important but raising emotionally secured and skillful kids are necessary. Make sure your child’s summer vacation is not wasted just by sleeping or using gadgets. Engage your kids in physical activities. Teach your daughters some interesting skills at home. Similarly discover your child’s talents. Let them excel in their talents. Teaching them skills in free time from school will help them develop their personalities. Such skills will help them later in financial terms as well.

6. Involve your Kids in House Chores:

Mother and daughters doing the cleaning in the house

Your children are your little army that you should train. Involve your kids in household chores. Sons and daughters both should know taking their responsibility and sacrifice for each other. Basic moral values like sacrifice, love, fidelity, loyalty, respect and responsibility are taught at early stages of life. Include your child in physical activities, like cleaning, washing dishes, baking, doing home laundry, setting their room and other small things. Let them enjoy their work. This will add a sense of responsibility to them. 

7. Spend Quality time with your Kids:

Quality time with your kids is very necessary. Make sure you spend time with your children. Take your children out and call it a “date with mommy”. Sons taught at home at early stages of life take their responsibilities when turn adults and respect women and other colleagues around. Daughters should be taught femininity by mothers. This add beauty in a relationship of mother and children and mother enjoy it more.

8. Appreciation and Celebrations:

mom kissing her child

Mothers are the first person kid interact with. If you are toxic or narcissistic mother, it is more likely your kids dislike your attitude and still love you. One of the toxic trait of narcissistic mothers is they do not appreciate their child’s success. Children want to be heard and celebrated. When a child achieves some destruction, the first person they share it with is his mother. If you do not appreciate your child’s success, it is more likely they are severely disappointed and never try to share their achievements again. When a kid feel like having no one around him during his early stages of life, he might be severely lonely.

9. Award your Child On Good behavior:

Adopt a technique of rewarding your child when he achieves a milestone or completes a task. This will increase the release of dopamine and normalize his growth. When you ask your child for some task, he might feel tired to do it without a reward. For example, ask your child to clean his room, and then surprise him by taking him to the nearest park. Give him a chocolate for being polite to his sister etc.

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