What to bring a New Mom at Hospital
Do any of your friends or relatives are first time mothers and you are thinking of bringing them to congratulate her with her first child?
Especially when you are not experienced with motherhood, this can be a difficult thing and you might be wondering what to give a new mommy that will not only cheer and lift her up but also be helpful for her to help her with the new mommy experience.
25 Gifts for a New Mom at Hospital
1. A Baby Bag:
A baby bag is what mothers need a lot. When a mother is discharged from hospital, a mother carries a baby bag till the kid is two years old. The bag usually have space for:
1. A feeder,
2. A dry milk jar
3. Baby towels and wipes
4. New suit for baby in case the baby spoil the older one
5. Diapers
They are usually essential for routine day to day bags. However, a mother can add other essentials as per her requirement.
2. Diaper pack:
This is a life saver for a new mum. Diapers are very necessary, even during her stay at hospital and later on.
3. Diaper rash ointment kit:
Diapers might create rash and small papules on baby skin. Avoid diapers with fragrance as it is sensitive for skin, or bring mothers with an anti-rash kit that contains essential oils, and ointments, to avoid rashes.
4. Baby toys:
If you know the gender of the baby, bring the new mom with toys kits. They can be the fairy Princess themed girl toys or racing car kind of boys toys for boys. You can also bring small toys that are used in early stages of life or toys like building blocks, remote control toys are for kids when they cross the 5 year age.
5. Baby wipes:
Baby wipes are life savers especially when mum cannot stand or do chores after birth. Baby wipes are the soft moist paper towels or tissues that can clean the baby skin.
6. Snacks:
What cheers you up when you are lazy or sad?
Of course it is chocolate. Never forget chocolates and snacks for mummies. This can be a dopamine booster and mums definitely love it! Take chocolate, or sugar cakes or pastries to mums. Or else add gummies and sugary edibles. This would be sweet as per the demand of the occasion.
7. Baby Cart:
Baby carts and trolleys are very necessary for newborns. Usually baby carts of older children can be reused for small kids, but if she is a first mother, then a baby cart will not only comfort her child, but for the other children too. This is among the few baby things that can be reused!
8. Warm tea:
All a mummy needs is warm tea. Birth is a complicated process, when it is a normal delivery, mothers pass through exertion. Try to comfort her by some good tea and a thermos or warm tea can be very comforting and soothing.
9. Fresh Fruit:
Fresh fruit is an important thing too. Do not avoid fresh fruits and salads, these are better vitamin sources and help an early recovery.
10. Comfortable Clothes:
Clothes are required after labour. Comfortable clothes, fleece fabric in winter and cotton in summers will work. Clothes should be simple, without embroidery, easy to wear, usually gowns with buttons.
11. Undergarments:
Do not forget undergarments for mother. She will need it for her stay at the hospital. Such things are not available in hospital premises.
12. Sanitary Pads for mothers:
Sanitary pads for mothers are necessary. Usually the mothers might follow heavy menstrual or afterbirth bleeding after delivery. Do not forget to take that for her.
13. Toiletries:
Toiletries like toothpaste, tooth brushes, hairbrush, hair pins, shampoos, body wash and hairdryers should not be forgotten. Bathing material and daily life sanitary toiletries are needed by mothers.
14. Perfumes and Air Freshners:
Perfumes or deodorants are needed a lot in hospitals. You definitely do not want your friend’s mommy to stink bad! Keep at least two perfumes in the bag for her!
15. Medicine bag:
Medicine bags or usually first aid bags that contain some basic medicines , including antibiotics, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory tablets , ointments and lotions, iron supplements , vitamin D injections, steroids etc are useful and avoid chaos later on when any of it is needed.
16. Homemade Food:
Homemade food is free of germs. Pack a healthy tiffin including a meal rich in protein and carbs for mother and the attendant, usually father or aunt /uncle of the baby. Hospital food stinks bad!
17. Pillow and Blankets:
Pillows and blankets might be needed. Local hospitals usually have a rush of patients and your friend mommy might be waiting for the room allotment after labour. Make sure you take the right thing to avoid hustle.
18. Scented Lotions and Vaseline:
Keep lotions, baby creams and skin care creams for mothers. She might need it.
19. Socks and Slippers:
Slippers are very necessary. Mother would need it for the washroom or for taking a bath.
20. Massager:
A massager can relieve pain. The mother might need it for her muscle ache or to comfort her spine or feet. Birth is a tiring process, the whole body aches after birth.
21. Baby blanket:
Babies, when they are in nursery, need separate blankets too. Make sure you take it before birth.
22. Feeder and Plastic Nipple:
A plastic nipple is used to improve the baby’s sucking ability. Make sure you take the plastic nipple and a real feeder. Before a kid starts sucking, a plastic nipple can be used to improve sucking.
23. Breast Pillow:
To help mothers in breastfeeding, breast pillows are used. It reduces strain and is helpful in early days of breastfeeding. Usually it is available in 3 types. The C-shaped, the U-shaped and the wedge shaped. Either of 3 can work. It helps mothers to relieve neck and back pain and is helpful in breastfeeding.
24. Suction pump:
A suction pump is necessary for breastfeeding. Manual pumps can be used in early days.
25. Post recovery:
Things to help in post recovery including hot or cold pads or compresses etc.