Questions to Ask Your Father
Time spent with your father can be a lifelong lesson for you. Fathers need to be cooperative and supportive to the sons, as it is important in initial dwelling of the child’s personality. When a father is not supportive, is frustrated or yells at children, it disturbs the child’s natural ability to trust men, especially his father. However, if you get a chance to spend your time with him, you can plan plenty of things to do together.
You can practice hobbies with your father or can indulge in a conversation. Things that fathers do can improve the relationship between father and children, particularly a son.
Once you get the free time to communicate with your father, you should engage in conversation with him.
The life-long lesson you achieve when involved in a relationship with your father can not be observed in any other relationship.
You need to ask questions from your father that should be encouraging in rebuilding your relationship with him. Go and sit with your dad and ask questions about his life.
Here are some basic questions that you can ask your father when you get your time with him.
- How was life when you were a child? Do you miss your childhood?
- What you wanted to be when you were a child?
- What were your basic desires when you were a child? What was your favorite candy flavor?
- Did you achieve what you planned for in early stages of life? How did you want your life to change by then?
- What were your hobbies at the beginning of your life? Did you play games?
- How did you meet our mother? How do you find her?
- Anything that you regret about your life? What do you expect from your future?
- What would you want to change in your life if you are placed back in your past?
- How did it felt like when you turned into dad?
- What were your plans for parenting? How did you welcome us into your life?
- Do you want a daughter or son as your first child?
- How were we all as a kid? Who among your all children was more mischievous and more dramatic?
- Any moment you still remember from our childhood?
- What was your favorite comic book in your childhood? And which game you loved to play a lot?
- Do you feel the difference between the past and today? How was life different back then?
- What were your earliest challenges in parenting the kids? How difficult was it to parent us? Was it disturbing? How does it feels like being a dad who changes nappies?
- What are your current fears and disturbances that trigger you? Do you want to share what kind of challenges you are facing currently?
- How was being a husband difficult? What do you think about marriage and which stage of marriage is the hardest?
- Anything you feel like you have missed decades back and you want to go there?
- What were your huge fears previously? Did you feel you would overcome all your fears?
- Do you feel worn out when you work a lot and find little or no time for yourself? Do you feel tired and exhausted by working too hard for us and your family?
- Which dreams you gave up for your children and family because they were too expensive or they require too much of the time?
- How does it feels like when you do not understand your children or this technology era demands? Do you feel embarrassed when you cannot handle internet or social media features?
- Which thing about being old scares you? Do you feel like you will turn old one day and can never work back as you do today? Does it haunt you?
- What do you want from your children? How do you want to spend time with us and how does it feels when you cannot give us time due to workload?
- What are the financial pressures we are going through currently that you choose not to discuss? You can share with the family we will try to understand?
- Which technology gadgets do you want to take back to your time that could have improved your life back then?
- How did you deal with your life traumas? Did it settle there or you went for its therapy? If they did not heal, are they still there and what triggers it?
- Why do you not invest on your own and just keep on investing on the children? What bothers you from self-care?
- What makes you feel comfortable when you are with the family? What is the most important thing that you enjoy and that cannot be ignored?
- Do you want me time for yourself too? What is that one thing you still like to do since your childhood?
- Do you believe in miracles? Have you ever experienced a miracle? How does it feels like experiencing a completely different and opposite experience?
- What you achieved in your life, is it because of miracles or because of hard work? How much do you trust hard work as compared to miracles?
- What do you think about your luck? Did you feel like you were lucky? Or everything you ever achieved is a product of your extreme hard work?
- How does it feels like coming home after a very tiresome day? Do you enjoy family time?
- Any funny stories from your past that you still remember and you never can forget?
- Were there TV serials at your time? Did you watch cartoons as a child? What was your favorite cartoon?
- Do you enjoy shopping? How often do you want to go shopping in a month’s time?
- Which subject you hated at school? And which teacher you disliked because he would give you so much homework? How was your school life?
- Did you enjoy your college life? What was the most beautiful part of your student life? What do you think the present day children miss in school that was present at your time and not now? What lesson do you want your children to learn? Where do you see your children in future?