How to be a Good Father

A man becomes a father when he has a child. The new dads find it completely difficult to be a good father and thus are always looking to opt for changes as a father. Men brought up by fathers of the last generation are usually reluctant to explore new ways of parenting and thus are always finding it hard to understand and accept challenges of parenthood. Good Fathers are usually the care provider of a family. They not only nurture and grow their child’s personality, but also help to build the personality of his child. Thus parents should adapt a set of rules at home while dealing with each other and their kids.

Studies shows, kids, especially daughters who have father issues in their childhood, usually get attracted towards toxic partners in their life. If you want to be a father who breaks the cycle of generational traumas, you have to choose a parenting style that not only suits you, but also is helpful in nurturing your kids. 

6 Tips on How to be a Good Dad

Here are 6 important points you need to know to be a good father. These points will help you understand the aims of parenting and will provide the basis of a healthy environment at home!

Good Father

1. Respect and Patience:

Patience is the key to a very healthy relationship. You have to let go of huge things, including the tantrums of your kids too. A good father is the strength of his kids. Daughters idealize their fathers, while sons expect to be superheroes like their fathers. This you have to tolerate and respond accordingly. A father’s patience and respect towards his family is actually the basis of an environment that is non-toxic and happy. 

Along with kids, you have to respect your wife as well. Kids learn what they see. If you bring your frustration home, they might fear spending time with you. Be careful and patient because you are the hero of your family!

2. Be Polite to your spouse, Do Not Be Harsh:

Politenessis necessary for a family environment. You need to be polite to your wife. Remember, kids who are brought up in unhealthy toxic households prove to be very toxic and narcissistic partners later on. Or else, they end up in toxic relationships. Daughters who see their fathers continuously disgracing their mothers start fearing their fathers and then men. Do not normalize it for your kids to be harsh to women. Sons, following their father might be a harsh spouse later on. Remember you have to break generational traumas.

3. Communication:

happy african american father holding hands with cute son

Communication is the necessary key of a relationship. If you are a new father, you need to understand the kid’s growing phase. You have to accept the needs of your kids. The kids connect to the world outside their home through their fathers. Mothers usually stay at home with less or no interaction with surroundings. However when men arrive from work in the evenings, they have complete stories or how the world outside their home looks like. You need to communicate with your school going kids on a regular basis.

Small talk, small discussion about meetings, environment, season, your day at office and your kid’s days at home should be transferred to each other via communication. Involving your child in small decisions like color of the paint at home, menu at restaurants and at home, and other things will provoke your child’s decision making ability. Listen to what your child explains and politely tell what is right and what is wrong.  Make sure your kid does not hide things from you because they fear you. Kids who hide their things from their parents usually get psychological disturbances.

4. Teach Kids how to Sort out:

Rather than scolding your kids for mistakes: teach them how to sort out lessons in such mistakes

It is very obvious you might be very disturbed by your child’s continuous mistakes. Relax… under that it is the part of growth. When deciding about how to treat your child, think in their shoes. They are new to the world. No matter how stubborn a kid appears there is a way to communicate with them. If your child makes mistakes, allow him to accept his faults and teach him how to apologize.

Gen Z kids usually are disturbed because of many things including their parent’s behavior towards them for making mistakes.  When your child makes a mistake, politely show him the damage he did, and then ask him the cause behind it. Once you hear the cause, communicate the solution and let your child digest it. Ask him how you can make it better. Kids learn this strategy faster than adults too. Find the lesson out of it and tell him how it can be made better.

5. Break Generational Trauma: Appreciate your child!

How many times were you appreciated in your childhood? 

Happy little girl talking to her father

Definitely not very much. If you grew up under a father who rarely was interested in your life, and rarely appreciated you, psychology says it’s most likely you turn into a father like that. Break the generational trauma cycle! 

Learn and accept that you will not carry the same father techniques to your child that left serious holes in your personality.  Change your style. When your child achieves something, either it is a win at school games, good result, a new skill, or helping mother at home chores, appreciate it! Tell him he did it and you, as a father, are proud of him. Similarly when your child fails, tell him about your expectations from him and how you see the potential in him to do the best! Such things will add positive change in your child’s personality.

6. Teach a skill to your Kid:

You are a father, who is taking responsibility for his kids. However, you need to teach your child basic skills. Good fathers are the one who takes measures to make their child financially independent. Such kids who have skills and a job alongside their studies are better at taking responsibility. You cannot spoon-feed your child for eternity. Teach your children to stand on their own feet and help them do that. Raising emotionally, physically and mentally healthy individuals should be your priority as a father!.

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