First Time Father in Life
Are you preparing yourself for your first child? Are you a new father? You are at the right place!
Parenthood is a very exciting duty, and when it is for the first time, it is a dopamine rush!
If you are wondering how to initiate parenthood, you are at the right place!
Usually mothers are reading and searching for important measures before and after conceiving, practising their daily routine and training themselves even during pregnancy. However, the first time fathers need to change and alter their lifestyles as well!
Tips on Being a First Time Father
Good Fathers should work together with their spouses to welcome the newly born and make plans for his growth!
Here are 7 important tips for a man who is a first time father!
1.Take care of your wife during pregnancy:
One of the most underrated partners during pregnancy is father. Where the whole family is there to teach the mother about how to overcome the pregnancy stress and how to change herself for the new born, fathers are neglected. Once you hear your wife has conceived, you might be very worried about the changes. Fathers find it a pleasing change. The first thing you should make sure of is taking care of your wife. Pregnancy is the toughest time period of a woman’s life period. It’s the most crucial time for your wife.
Being a first time father, you need to take responsibility for your child that is not born yet. Help your wife, allow her to take rest. Comfort your wife. This imbalance of hormones in pregnancy might disturb her a lot. Try to be cooperative and understand during her pregnancy.
2. Research, Read about the child’s nature and Father Duties:
When your first child isn’t born yet, along with taking care of your wife, learn and read about how to be a good father? It is a necessary change that happens to your wife’s body and your thoughts and way of thinking. You start reading books about parenting, the effective measure and how you can help your wife during pregnancy and after the child is born. Learn the basic steps. Try to arrange the things necessary for delivery. If possible, do shopping before your wife’s expected date of delivery. Try to be polite and positive towards this new change in your life.
3. Help your wife after Birth of your child during POST PARTUM PERIOD:
One of the most crucial times after pregnancy is the post period. When your wife delivers your child, her body needs days for healing. The physical pressure and the physiological changes that occur the last 10 months need time to heal. This is when your wife needs you the most. The difficult time and the responsibility as a kid, you should be there to help your wife.
Try to manage it by working with your wife. Try to comfort her by doing the house chores. Change your child’s nappy and help her wash and change the child’s clothes. This all will not only contribute to help her but also develop the fatherly affection in your body. Men who are cut off from their kids or wife during and after pregnancy do not experience love and that kind of affection.
4. Manage the stress and emotions:
Fathers, being the earners and caretakers of the family, might be stressed during their first child too. If you are financially not very strong, it might be stressful too. A child is an addition to the family. A new addition means a new responsibility. You might be worried about the expenses for your child. It is completely okay to feel like that, all fathers do feel like this. Manage this stress by giving yourself some time to accept the change. Keep a staunch belief in yourself and your fate. Every newcomer brings his fate with him. You need to accept this natural change and the fate of your child! Relax and enjoy this moment and ward off this stress!
5. Take Breaks and relax:
You need to take breaks too. Do not overburden yourself for being not able to be completely perfect as a first time father. Give yourself the edge of being a human. Fatherhood is not a limited time job! You have to do it for a lifetime. So take breaks, do not panic and consider it as a part of growth. Small breaks, self-care is necessary for you too. Otherwise you will be worn out and will be completely unable to carry out your routine tasks. Be patient and do things till you enjoy it. Responsibilities should be on a regular basis with small or less time management.
6. Ask support from your loved ones:
Remember it is completely okay to be tired and exhausted. It is not bad to ask for help when you need it. We all need help at different times of our lives. Ask for support and be careful who you choose to take help from. You are new to the job, so you can connect to your father and mother about basic tips about parenthood. Seek a friend and discuss how they manage to be a father. Learning is an all-time progressive thing. Better to learn it rather than being shy at it. Own your love and care for your wife and children, and let the world know about it too. You will definitely enjoy your progress towards being a father!
7. Make plans and home rules:
It is very necessary to decide some home rules before you plan a family or at the time of your pregnancy.
Decide this with your wife about how you both will raise your child together. Some basic rules for your kids should be decided beforehand like:
- Bed time rules of the whole family. How you want to take it.
- Use of gadgets at home. Kids who use excess screens develop eyesight issues and other developmental deformities.
- The discipline rules: things that should not be compromised for the lifetime, including respect of elders, frustrated parents and their Catharsis techniques.
- Self-care time for both of the partners. When and where you both need to take rest and how the other partner should respond to it.