How Does a Narcissist React When They Can’t Control You

It can be a serious threat to a narcissist, when you are able to deal with a narcissistic person! 

A narcissistic partner, or a narcissistic parent can be very difficult to handle, as they are grandiose and might be completely different than you expected them to be. Narcissistic people are always looking forward to ways to control you. Either it is your natural ability to deal with them, emotional attachment or any kind of bond with affection, you might be suffering from the situation where you feel that any more investment in this relationship is going to ruin your serenity. 

Either it is a narcissistic sister, narcissistic daughter, a narcissistic wife or a husband suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, you might not be sure how to deal with the person unless it is the right time to make a decision. 

Once you have taken control over yourself and have decided your reaction, then no one can beat you. Once decided, it is possible that you are the one giving tough time to narcissistic behavior and not them.

Reactions of a Narcissistic Person


a narcissist

A narcissistic person is very controlling. It is possible that a narcissistic person in your life in any kind of relationship is feeding over your fear about them. However, once you have decided about your choices, it is more likely your partner is the one who is completely disturbed by your reaction of remaining calm and holding your own control. They might get very furious and start verbal expressions like shouting, threatening and violating their own things.

Sometimes it is possible that you are no longer giving them a chance to hold you. They might want to control your personal life i.e by taking control of your choices of job or studies choices, similarly they might want to hold you professionally by keeping you engaged at the time of work and not allowing you when it is actually your time to leave. This behavior can be manipulative as well as controlling.


Definitely once you learn to stand up for yourself, your narcissistic surroundings, either it is a narcissistic parent, or a partner, can be in a huge state of shock. Imagine allowing someone to feed on your energy and then suddenly securing your energy. It is as if you are not allowing yourself to be controlled and ruined any more. This triggers a serious shock and disbelief in them because this is not the right kind of reaction you should be doing. You might hear statements like, “I am in shock how you can say NO to me? “ 

“Are you sure you are refusing me?” “You cannot do this, I was not expecting this from you.”


angry narcissist

Once you are able to speak for yourself or isolate yourself from when you feel exploited, it is possible that you are blamed for your investment of energy. It can be like you are no longer the one they used to praise initially to exploit or manipulate you. They might be seriously triggered because you are not providing them food to boost their egos. They might start overly criticizing you.

Their natural flow of energy is very much violated and it is possible that your narcissistic fellow is trying to regain their hold over you. This is the time where your control of your own nerves is very necessary! Either it is denial or submission, you have that right of self-prioritization or allowing them to walk over you!


One of the very pathetic reactions of a narcissistic person is playing the victim when they have lost almost all the ways to take your charge. You might feel the disbelief in the narcissistic person’s eyes as a complete disturbance and emotional turmoil as you are the one who is causing the wrong end of the relationship.

It is very common that along with the narcissistic person, your fellows at work, or other family members actually start talking to you in disbelief because apparently you are the one who is doing harm by saying no. Be ready for such reactions because narcissists are very good at choosing the drama over silence and it is very likely possible that your peers start considering you a bully too. Narcissistic people are very good at drawing the whole crowd’s attention towards themselves.


gaslighting narcissist

Once you have actually decided to choose your own sanity, avoid sitting with the narcissists again. You may not believe it but they have the power to emotionally manipulate you and make you guilty for your all healing and saying no. It can be a serious trigger when you choose peace over drama. However, it is very likely that they can gaslight you for your own life decisions.

Be it your any kind of decision, your choices of sanity, or the ability to say “no”, your narcissistic parent might be gaslighting you for your own sanity. Gaslighting usually involves making you guilty for the right decisions you took about yourself and to make you vulnerable for easily manipulating you alone. 


The final extreme of narcissistic behavior is very hard to believe!


Narcissistic people can move on to a new supply once they find you resistive towards themselves. This is the breakdown of a narcissistic person finally. Once you fail them in all kinds of wrong doings, it is more likely that narcissistic people understand your opinion and choices by now. No matter how much they try to penetrate into your peace, it is possible that finally they are exhausted!

They will now just switch to a better supply who is vulnerable and easy to break now! Be it a partner, another child who can be more easily manipulated or any other relationship, a narcissistic person will ignore you and choose other people over you. It is more likely they start devaluing you in front of others as well!

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