10 Tips on How to be More Patient with Kids:
One of the most challenging factors in parenting is maintaining tolerance with a crying, weeping kid. It’s more difficult when it’s the first child and mothers are never sure what their toddlers actually are crying for. There are ways that can easily help mothers to understand their child’s demands, and with time, they can adjust themselves to their child’s nature accordingly.
Usually it begins when mothers are themselves in their early or late twenties, an age which itself requires tolerance and being understood. But with time a young or old lady is a parent that needs to be patient and wise enough to deal with her kid’s behaviour.
1. Don't panic with your child's every cry!
Remember, kids under 2 years cannot speak. The only way to express their needs is crying. If they cry it can mean anything. They may cry when they are hungry or in pain. Sometimes babies cry when they don’t like being in strollers or they have wet diapers. It’s their way of expressing their existence. Be calm enough to accept this is just their way of communication. Just check on what they need and hold on your nerves. Early stage motherhood can be challenging if you aren’t aware of when to hold the grip on patience. Act patiently when your child cry.
2. Age of your kid decides your patience level!
Infants can be handled with patience, but different age groups play a vital role in parenting. Kids under 5 years can be really mischievous and this can trigger both of the parents. Usually naughty kids under 10 years can create mishaps and chaos. Mother, being the feminine energy needs to remain calm and should be understanding the cause behind a particular behaviour. Usually kids behave differently when they need the attention of their parents, rather than losing patience, parents need to understand what’s bothering their kid.
3. Prioritize your mental peace!
A healthy and secure mother is a stable mother. Make sure a few hours of your day is me time. Usually when your kid sleeps, go out for a walk, switch back to your hobbies, paint, draw, read or water your plants. Avoid triggers to stay calm and peaceful.
4. Cultivating Patience with Yoga!
Self-care is important, one of the best methods to relieve yourself is Yoga. A daily 15 minutes of yoga can help you rebuild your calmness and breath. Adopt a few poses and you will observe the difference on your own.
5. Understand the situation rather than reacting impulsively!
Not every time circumstances need shouting and anger to resolve. School going kids are growing through a change of environment. They might be frustrated by the change, or bullied at school. The change in nature or attitude of a child can be a symptom to some associated threat. Dissolve the communication gap between you and your child, listen to what they speak. This may help you in understanding them without losing your temper.
6. Provide your child with safety!
Kids of all ages choose violence when they don’t find themselves safe. The feeling of being alarmed all the time can be minimized when parents own and provide them security. Tell your kid you are their first available choice in case any mishap happens, provide them an environment of trust and liberty to speak and laugh.
You will definitely notice a change in their behaviour pattern and can restore your patience when they act normally.
7. Don't be an overprotective parent: allow your kid to make mistakes!
Accept your kid as a human. Allow them to make their own mistakes and learn from them. They need to fall to learn. Remember butterflies come out of cocoons by their own struggle. Let them get injured and don’t be overprotective. Overprotecting them can make them feel suffocated and disobedient at the same time. Maintain a distance where they grow without a weary attitude. The more you avoid the causes to affect your child negatively, the more you will be at ease with dealing with them, resulting in your own peaceful state of mind.
8. Scolding your kid too much can frustrate them!
It’s too natural that you care for your child, but don’t make them suffocate by your care. Don’t scold them for their wrong decisions every time. Frustrated kids hate their parents and even when you show love, kids might react violently to your previous behaviour with them. This can disturb your patience. Communicate politely, allow them to speak and explain how they are feeling. Teach them catharsis of their feelings.
9. Don't over expect from your child!
Your child is a new being to this world. You expect your kid to excel in every possible accomplishment, but don’t overburden them with your expectations. This may hurt their own goals or preferences. Your kid is dependent emotionally and financially on you. Expectations can disturb their normal functioning. This can cause an unbearable reaction that would hurt you as a parent too. Be careful when dealing with that to avoid your own sanity.
10. Don't immediately react to your kid's behaviour; let them think about you!
Immediately losing patience with your kid might be effective in showing your anger and displeasure, but it’s not a long term solution to their behaviour. Don’t respond at the moment, keep a distance where they can think, and figure out their fault on their own. When your kid is finally sorry about their wrongdoings, ask them to explain what they learnt for their next time. Then explain how you felt as a parent about the situation. This is only possible when you have control on your nerves.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How to be a more patient mother?
Prioritize your sanity, and don’t follow all the myths of raising a kid. Your kid is the smallest version of you, be kind to your little self and accept your faults as a human too. You can’t be right all the time so learn from your mistakes. Be a patient mother and accept that growing kids is a natural phenomenon so accept that.
2. How to be more patient with a toddler?
Having a toddler is a tough yet exciting experience. Make sure you understand your toddler’s natural needs of feeding, sleeping, and excreting. Make sure you have a record of your kid’s routine so that you can figure what they are crying for. If it’s unnatural, check out if your kid is in pain. This will help you understand the need and will help you to be patient.
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