Working Out With a Newborn Dad

As a new father it is very difficult to manage and add workout to your routine. It takes a lot of time to manage the routine as a first time father. Similarly, you might be disturbed about how to be a good father along with maintaining the gym schedule. It takes time to accept fatherhood and start practicing things that fathers do.

If you are a single father, it is possible that you are spending more time on hobbies already with your child.  Workout and gym fitness is one of the very necessary things to be working at.

Working Out Being a Father of a Newborn

working out with a newborn dad​

1. Start slow:

Were you an athlete or some sports person before your marriage or fatherhood? If you were, definitely you might be going through the phase of self-doubt because fitness freaks cannot tolerate days off from workout. Take a deep breath and relax. No one is going to change your daily routine other than you.

Accept your fatherhood and go through the procedure of taking small steps with a heavy comeback. You need to start slowly with small exercises. Reschedule your daily routine and figure out the time you can invest less at home and more at the gym for workout.

2. Check your Newborn kids nap time:

The very necessary thing you should prioritise is your newborn’s sleep schedule. Once it is your child’s sleep time, prioritise your hobby for gym and workout. Scheduling your gym time at your child’s sleep time will be very helpful in avoiding distractions and disturbances.

Once your kid is asleep, you can completely concentrate and with consistency you can achieve more targets in less duration of time.

3. Shift your workout place to home:

father of a new born doing exercise

Do you go to the gym daily for your workout? Well this is the time now for you to create a small DIY gym at home. Choose the space that is nearest to your newborn’s cart and from where you can keep an eye on the baby.

If not possible, try using small workout practices with less exertion and more productivity. A workout space at home will not only keep you consistent but also will save your time that is needed for travelling and managing.

4. Add baby-friendly exercises to the schedule:

Baby friendly exercises can be a very right choice. Rather than exercising complex steps, you can choose exercises that allow you to hold and grasp your child. This can be a good step for working out and carrying your child together.

5. Working out with a friend to keep you motivated:

Motivation is not only intrinsic but extrinsic as well. You need to prioritise your hobby alongside your social and family time, and this is when you need a sincere caring friend. A friend can be a good addition to your routine and might provoke and enlighten your mood when you are low in energy.

Workout buddies are there to buck up you when you are avoiding or delaying the exercises. Do not fall prey to procrastination! If possible hire a trainer for your workout schedule. Once you follow a proper schedule you can adapt to it.

Do not forget to remain flexible and calm when you have to change your working schedule because of any inconvenience with your child. Newborns have very different reasons where you should be patient and prioritise them as well!


Well a toddler is the most mischievous thing on earth! You will definitely require lots of patience if you let your toddler roam around at the time of your exercise. Definitely he might burn the house in his innocence! 

So you should look for exercising with your kid. Wear your kids. Squats, deadlifts or lunges can keep your pace of exercise!

working out with a newborn

1. Babywearing Squat:

Wear your baby in a sling or a carrier, tie it around your chest and perform squats to work your legs. This can help you control your child and can be very helpful in maintaining your concentration.

2. Baby holding rows:

Hold your baby with one arm and do rows with the other. This can help you in building a routine habit of exercise with your child.

3. Babywearing Deadlifts:

Wear your toddler in a carrier and deadlift it. This will help you in workout your legs, knees, arms and lower half of the body. Try it twice daily, to help you maintain a complete routine, especially when your child is asleep or when it is your baby’s nap time.


Though it can be difficult to manage as a daily routine, however, it is possible that you are starting as a beginner. If you already had a habit of working out, is obvious that you will recover it soon, however sometimes, it is not necessary that your comeback is this fast as you expected and it might worry you a lot as well. However, following is the list of some benefits that you might achieve while working out as a newborn dad:

1. Help you release your frustration:

Frustrated dads are a result of extreme overworked schedules. Working out can be very relaxing and it might help you in relaxation.

2. Workout will help you to be a good dad:

Working out can be very relaxing when you are a dad. Dads are usually frustrated when they have the working hours and duty of managing a child as well. 

3. Physical health:

Along with taking it as a hobby, it is more obvious that your physical health can be improved with workouts and exercise too. It is really possible that a workout makes you physically strong and adaptive to all kinds of stress situations. Surely you are going to be a very handsome dad in your late 50s offcourse!

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