Stay at Home Mom Quotes
Quotes that Every Stay at Home Mom Needs to Read
Here are 28 Quotes for every Stay at home mother
- Dear stay at home mommy, you are the real superhero. Thanks for being in my life!
- Who needs superpowers? When they have a stay at home mommy to do magic in a blink!
- A mother is a person, who sees there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announcing she never did care for pie. ~Tenneva Jordan
- You don’t need to wait for mother’s day, just go and look at her, you will see that everyday with your mother is a day in heaven.
- Just because you became a parent, doesn’t mean you grew up ~Ali Wong.. Mothers who are staying at home, working all day need a mother too. Go home and ask your mommy, who mothers your mommy?
- Charley Benetto said: When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.
- Motherhood is tough, if you just want a wonderful little creature to love, you can get a puppy! ~Barbara Walters
- Mothers are like glue, even when you can’t see them, they are still holding the family together. ~Susan Gale.
- Mothers are the necisssity of invention. ~Bill Waterson
- Motherhood is the only thing in my life that I’ve really known for sure is something I wanted to do. ~Cynthia Nixon
- It’s The Job that I take most seriously in life, and I think it’s the hardest job. ~Debra Messing meant the motherhood.
- We Often Take For Granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. Mothers are one of them. Let’s pray for the mother who never gets a day off.
- Motherhood really forces you to address the issues that you claim to believe in and if you can’t stand up to those principles when you’re raising a child, forget it. ~Diane Keaton
- A mom who is a housewife, is an alarm clock, a caretaker, a nurse, a gardener, a dishwasher, a chef, a friend and what not. If you didn’t had one, you would need to buy a thousand machines and still not satisfied of a single one of it.
- If you are a housewife, take proud in that. ~Anthea Turner
- The corporate woman has been defined as the ‘liberated woman’ and I see that as the exact opposite. I think she now is more enslaved, maybe even more than the housewife was; because she’s so out of her power, and imitating male power is not female power. ~Kenny Loggins
- If a man is a writer, everybody tiptoes around past the locked door of the breadwinner. But if you’re an ordinary female housewife, people say, ‘This is just something Barbara wanted to do; it’s not professional.” ~Barbara W. Tuchman
- I prefer the word ‘homemaker’ because ‘housewife’ always implies that there may be a wife someplace else. ~Bella Abzug
- I’m so sick of hearing how there’s no strong roles for women. I don’t care about strong roles. I just want to see women who are characters! A nun, a serial killer, a housewife, as long as there’s some depth there. ~Martha Plimpton
- I have become a housewife and there is no better job. ~Celine Dion
- There’s ups and downs of any job. If you worked at the post office, there’s ups and downs. You have your good days, and you have your bad days. If you’re a housewife, you have your good days, and you have your bad days. ~Tracy Morgan
- It was the only ambition I ever had – not to be a dancer or Hollywood movie star, but to be a housewife in a good marriage. ~Doris Day
- Being a good mother does not call for the same qualities as being a good housewife; a dedication to keeping children clean and tidy may override an interest in their separate development as individuals. ~Ann Oakley
- My ambition is to not have to work anymore. In 10 years I want to stop, and I want to be living with my family, taking care of my house. I want to be a housewife. ~Paz Vega
- I’m finally a suburban housewife. Honestly, it’s my dream come true. ~Julia Sweeney
- I’ll make a horrible housewife. It’s not like I’m disgusting, but I’m pretty bad about having a drink or eating something and then leaving the plate and rushing to go. ~Camilla Luddington
- I’m going to be a happy housewife. I’m going to be washing boxers and cooking and doing all those sorts of housewife duties. I just want to be happy and proud of every single day. ~Johnny Weir
- The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. ~Theodre Hesburgh