Signs of a Narcissistic Husband
If you are deeply enrooted in a relationship with your husband, it would be very difficult to accept signs of your loved one as a narcissist. Who wants to see their loved one as a narcissist? You might be avoiding all the red flags of your relationship since day one and now you might be wondering if I am married to a narcissist? Remember narcissism is a psychological disorder, and it cannot be avoided. No matter how many times you console yourself that your husband will be alright with time, in narcissism it becomes worse!
A red flag relationship is disturbing, and once you diagnose it, it can be easy to part your ways or decide how you are going to make it with this partner. If your emotions are intense and you really want to find a way for the treatment of your partner, you need to watch out for the signs of narcissism. Not that this blog is not the source of diagnosis of narcissism on a few signs, consult a therapist for that so that you can find a way to figure it out!
7 Signs of a Narcissistic Husband
1.Self Importance overload:
If your husband is exaggerating his self-importance over you, you need to take notes. Self-importance and awareness can be very toxic if it is in excess of it. Watch how your husband treats you and your surroundings? If your husband is continuously criticising and mocking you, your friends and family, and other close relationships, it is because he is overloaded with self importance and this is the basis of his looking down on the other humans.
Self importance can be a devaluation of others too. When a marriage is promised, it is a relationship of equality on the basis of respect. Once a partner considers himself of more value, the relationship is ruined. This is one of the major symptoms of narcissism.
2. You are expected to Apologise for the Mistakes He made:
Are you the one who is saying sorry for each time a mishap or argument happens between both of you? If that is so, you need to take note that your relationship is one-sided just because of the narcissism speaking on the behalf of your partner. You are expected to say sorry each time your partner is angry at you. When you highlight your partner’s mistake, your husband becomes abusive and makes you guilty of your expectations from him. This is the time you need to understand your relationship is on the basis of narcissism.
3.Lack of Boundaries:
Do you feel like too much being in control that your boundaries are suffering? It is probably due to your partner’s unnecessary interference in your life. Such boundaries are disturbed and your extra efforts are just unnecessary. Do you feel suffocated when your husband keeps checking your phone, asking for your social media passwords and commenting on every person who has a direct or indirect relationship with you. Even if you ask your husband to provide you with the same thing he asked for, he might ordinarily degrade you for it. Such relationships are just commitments that are not even worthy.
4. He is unreliable!
How many times did he actually show he cared for you? Well that is disturbing when you recall it, isn’t it? Whenever he contributes to your relationship, he might be very happily asking you about it, but with time, as his mood changes, you feel like his commitments just are as vague as they could be. This unreliable nature might be because he overburdened and it should not be confused with his actual exhaustion.
A narcissistic husband is unreliable since the start of a relationship and you might be taking it as a positive sign, or as an understanding wife, you might be adjusting because your husband is “too busy to come for a commitment”.
5. He make you feel unwanted near him:
If you feel unwanted near your husband, it might be because it is his aim to make you feel like this. You feel like your husband is not interested in you anymore, or you do not deserve your husband as a life partner, it is because your husband wants you to reflect on it.
Most because, your husband is satisfying his narcissistic ego, he is highlighting his importance over you again and again. This is a sign your husband is suffering from a superiority complex, and he wants to express and communicate it to you.
6. Conversations that only include him and his magnificence:
Check out on your conversations. Does your husband take every conversation towards him? A normal conversation including the house chores would end up in his extraordinary work routine and that he as a husband is doing a lot for you, and is tired all day. You might be speaking and sharing about how a friend of yours commented on your beauty, and your husband suddenly exaggerates and laughs at you, and starts telling you how much he is praised around his colleagues.
Similarly if you share a small achievement with him as a husband, your husband might be clearly showing you the whole lot of what his achievements are and you actually start forgetting about what you shared out of your excitement. This is how your conversation is going gross with time and you actually forget where it is leading towards!
7. Blaming you continuously:
Imagine your situation, when anything goes wrong, for example, your child fell while playing, or your child secured poor marks. What is your husband’s reaction? He might be forcefully accusing you of being an incompatible mom. If anything wrong happens, your partner starts speaking ill because you are not the one who is working in the relationship. It is because he, as a narcissistic husband, can never accept that mistakes can happen from his side too.
He is too perfect to be wrong! This blame game is shifted to you and eventually you have started to accept that all the wrong that ever happened in your house is just because of you.