Narcissistic Daughter
Narcissism can be very difficult to handle when it comes to your loved ones, especially in horizontal, siblings with narcissism or vertical (children) relationships. When a family member is narcissistic, it is not only toxic for the person, but includes the whole family as well. Normally, it is preferable to avoid narcissistic people at work or at other places, but at home, it becomes more difficult to deal with.
In a family natural set-up, it is possible that you have a bond of love and affection with the narcissistic person. When love and emotions are involved, it is possible that you ignore the signs and symptoms at the beginning, but later on this might disturb your relationship and mental peace too.
Usually females suffering from narcissism can be a daughter or a sister. Narcissistic sisters can create serious rivalry among family, while a daughter who is narcissistic can be a snob and you might find it difficult to show love for your other children as well. Before you declare it narcissism, you need to know the signs and symptoms of narcissism. It might be possible that your narcissistic daughter has associated her behaviour with her mother too. One of the causes of narcissistic daughters are their mothers who grew up in a narcissistic household.
Such daughters who are brought up by narcissistic mothers can be very reserved and shy mothers later on in their life. This, such mothers over love their first daughter and it might provoke the sense of extra ordinary self importance.
5 Common Effects you have to Face if you have a Narcissistic Daughter
1. Disturbed children with severe psychological disorders:
Narcissism does not only affect one person only. It affects the surrounding too. Narcissists are not willing to accept their psychological malfunctioning, while doing so, the healthy ones lose their sanity too.
It is possible that with a narcissistic daughter, your other children go on another extreme level for exhaustion and anxiety disorders. Children who are left neglected develop psychological defects like borderline personality disorder. Do not ignore Borderline Personality Disorder, where attention deficit patients are vulnerable to suicide as well!
2. Parents are unable to pay attention to the other children:
Are you always worried about how to balance your attention among your children? You usually try to hide your love for your other kids from that narcissistic daughter. Normal families do not work like that. You might be disturbed at your parenting style too. Your other children start considering you as a parent who focuses on their favourite child only.
3. Rather than a family based on love, it is a battlefield of hate and comparison:
When one of your daughters is narcissistic, it is possible that there is a rivalry among all your children. The dinners and lunch table turn into arguments and you can see your kids disliking and loathing each other a lot. This kind of narcissism is disturbing not only at individual level but also at the family level
4. Your Narcissistic daughter is so weak in maintaining relationships:
When grown up, you might have noticed that your daughter can not make strong relationships. Narcissists usually only prioritise themselves over any other human while relationships need sacrifice. You might have noticed your daughter feels distressed after people leave her. Either it is her friends, boyfriend, or husband, you might see how difficult it is for your daughter to settle in a relationship that is loving and nurturing. Definitely as a parent it will hurt you for her incompatibility with her spouse or relationships.
5. Your daughter might be exploiting her fellows and siblings:
You might have heard your daughter’s social circle complaining about her selfish behaviour. Narcissists exploit other humans and their emotions for their own use. To achieve her own ends, your daughter might use her dear relations, even her parents too.
How to protect yourself and family from your narcissistic daughter’s behaviour:
Being a parent, it is not only a necessity but your duty to protect your children and family from the narcissistic behaviour of your daughter. Being incharge of the family, you both partners should be able to decide the barrier, so that you can achieve the true benefits in a natural family momentum.
Here are 5 steps of coping mechanism you should take to avoid the effects of your daughter’s narcissism:
1. Avoid Arguments:
Psychological therapies cannot be treated in night time, you need to take effective measures until your daughter is completely treated. Avoid Arguments with her even on the smallest things. Narcissists want to drag into arguments and create serious disturbances.
2. Professional Aid:
One of the very necessary steps to deal with mental and psychological disorders is seeking professional help. Being a parent, you should not ignore the importance of psychological treatment in such diseases. Seek a therapist and do not avoid your daughter’s disease. If left untreated, it will not only affect her but every human relationship that comes near her in future.
3. Seek boundaries and make sure your daughter follows it:
Family rules should not be taken for granted. Make sure your daughter follows the set of boundaries in the natural household. Ask your daughter to follow discipline and do not break rules. The boundaries should mark serious rules about respecting all members.
4. Engage your children to provoke love and sympathy:
Rather than choosing your one favourite child and ignoring others, make sure you involve all your kids in family trips and other occasions. Plan things together and do not allow your narcissistic daughter to interrupt. Make sure you treat your children equally. Group activities provoke love and sharing of interests.
5. Self care:
Being the parents of a narcissistic daughter, you might find it challenging to keep your family united. Do not avoid your self-care, take some minutes in a day for your relaxation. Remember, worn out parents can never brought up healthy kids. Instead, you will be tired and your family needs you!